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Weld County has Introduced Real-time Road Information, December 7, 2017

To use the map, please go to

Quick Tips:

  • Click on the Blue “I want to…” button to open/change visible map layers.
  • Click on the plus sign next to the “Road Maintenance” or “Road Closures” to expand the available menu options.
  • The red lines are the current closures and the purple lines are the scheduled/proposed closures.
  • Check the box by Road Maintenance to learn which roads are maintained by the County compared to which roads are maintained by the state.
  • Type an address into the search bar to view a specific location.

The District is currently involved in several long range projects such as several large subdivisions that will involve non-potable irrigation systems, and many District projects that include updating pump stations, looping lines, and installing a new waterline from the filter plant.

The District appreciates your patience while we work on these numerous projects that may cause low pressure or your water service to be out.  The District does its best to call all customers affected by a planned outage but in the case of an emergency leak, our main objective is to get the leak repaired and therefore we cannot contact customers.  It is always a good idea to have a reserve of water for emergency situations.  Bottled water has a long shelf life and during an emergency or unplanned outage can ease the inconvenience of the outage.