Developer Information
New Development is strongly encouraged to contact the District early in your planning process.
Please start by filling out a Water Tap Request Form and include your conceptual plan and the fire flow required by the local Fire Department. A workflow diagram is available to assist you with navigating the process for one lot workflow diagram and for 5+ lots workflow diagram. The District does not issue ‘will serve’ letters therefore a complete review of the proposed development is required to produce a Draft Water Service Agreement.
NWCWD Water Tap Request Form_Dec 2024.pdfWorkflow Diagram 1Workflow Diagram 2We will require a Utility Report and Plan as the process moves forward and the District will provide basic hydraulic information for modeling efforts.
The District’s Design Criteria is available as a secure document. If you require an unsecured version, please contact the office at (970) 356-3020 or email Jared Rauch at; of Policy Change Effective October 12, 2020At the North Weld County Water District Board Meeting held on October 12, 2020, the Board adopted Resolution 20201012-01 modifying the District’s Raw Water Dedication requirements.
Resolution 20201012-01, in summary, requires owners or developers to transfer acceptable raw water rights to the District in satisfaction of one hundred percent (100%) of the raw water requirements for such development project.
Dedication of raw water rights may be in a phased approach, in the District’s discretion, to be agreed upon and memorialized in writing in a Water Service Agreement by and between the District and the owner or developer.
A copy of Resolution 20201012-01 is available on the District’s website, unless subsequently consolidated, replaced, or superseded by an action of the District’s Board of Directors at a public meeting.Resolution 20200908-02 Approving Development Documents and AgreementsResolution 20210809-02 Amending Policy Regarding Approving Development Documents and Agreements